Major Announcement - It's Been Long

Hello peepos, It has been a very long time since I update this website and it has also been very long since I have been using this website to release announcements. and for me that is a good sign. Y'all have grown well enough to handle on your own and that is a major achievement on your part to be honest. Bunyi cam perli (maybe) but for me, gone are the days of being harrassed by all lecturers daily about every minute thing on every student and on every class.  Therefore, since this is going to be long, I have created a table of content below for your ease to see the parts that are important to you. 

Table of Content

Grand Reflection Absentees - Finalised

I'm going to start with the heavy weight. I have collected a total of 30 Absentees from the Attendance sheets (faked + real) and Photos taken throughout the session (for verification) and I have handed it over to Prof Siamak. Semak kan?

And prof siamak has informed me this and I directly quote:
"[16/06/2024, 8:42:16 AM] AP Dr Siamak: Only If some one has MC or university letter can be excluded.

[16/06/2024, 8:43:15 AM] AP Dr Siamak: Mc or university letters need to be validated by course coordinators"

*University letter is - Special university event that is clealy stated that they have to join

I know some of you have begun to hate me, or have already hated me on this (or any other) matter. And sometimes jumpa pun muka ketat. I think around 3 posting groups have these kinds of people towards me? Idk, I am the type of person to not care, but this past 2 years it's difficult to not notice the tension in the air sometimes.  but don't worry, I will always treat you the same. I will address my utter disappointment from time to time, but you all will always be the same to me.

But this time, actually, is the first time in my life as your Batch Leader, am extremely pissed. Can't say Prof Siamak was any different. I know some of you think ' oh prof siamak tu muka je camtu tapi joking '. Even with my stupid eyes, I know he was mad. He reminded me literally 3 times prior to me announcing about the attendance about his decision for the 8 hours absentee hours and that he wont help those students who failed to pass the exam next round. And after my announcement, he announced it as well. and even after everyone left he told me he will notify the CCs and reminded me to get the absentees. 

Throughout this year, My only major responsibility, quite literally, is grand reflection. Most of my old responsibilities have been passed on to your respective group leaders. So when the attendance is absolute bullshit like last friday, of course I get a mouthfull from multiple lecturers. How should I feel about being questioned and blamed for your missconduct? "this is your batch, you should know where they are". "Where are the students? have you informed them about the session?" "this is going to put a bad image of your batch to the lecturers and other batches". 

I know. it's a long weekend. cuti lah kan.

I know. It's going to be raya and there's insane traffic. 

And I know. You don't even care. 

But I hope you know, your attendance is your responsibility, whether you like it or not. 

So please, Be responsible. Cause that's all I actually ask for. 

This only happened because the attendance was so bad. and therefore, make sure the last rotation, don't do this again. lagi lagi nak exam tu. memang aku report seko seko nanti. And don't misunderstand tau anak anak, I am angry and am doing this because I care. learn to take responsibility sikit. you'll need it later. 

I have a secret to open up to all of you

Ever since year 2, Every time we start the new year (modules, rotations), I will have a lengthy meeting with the Year Coordinator of that year. Privately. They will first tell me some important detail about how the year will go and then go straight to the second most important part. Discussing the list of Problematic students. I have a list and they have a list. They all get their list from the previous Course or module coordinators and from me early of the year prior. And update the list on that exact day. I will inform them my list for this year and also update my list based on their update from previous years. this includes all students and even representatives (surprisingly). And I also make sure to adjust our posting groups (year 3 and 4) to even out these students as well per the lecturer's instruction.

Of course I will keep this list from all of you(till my grave sebab buat apa nak add drama?). Why am I even telling you this? I am opening this up due to last friday's fiasco. Please do not grow that list from my end or from the next year coordinator's end. There are, some with problematic behavior but mostly, it is attendance issues.  To be honest, this list is not that bad (for me, cause I know worst batches) and all lecturers still tell me that this batch is the best and most easiest to handle batch and I will forever be gratefull to all of you for that. 

But again, don't grow that list. JANGAN BUAT HAL.

Batch Dinner

Now with the doom and gloom out of the way, I want to address one of the exciting parts of this announcement: The Official Zircon Sphinx Batch Dinner. we have finalised the date to be 4th of October 2024 (93% total availability). This Dinner is conducted under the Zircon Activity Committee (just like the TBNSA treasure hunt we had) and here is the list of the official head committee of the batch dinner:

High Committee

FNB : Shabron James

Activity : Irfan

Protocol : Zainina

Registration and student welfare : Koshala & Aimi

Logistic and Cleaning : Ilmi & Ilman

Gift : Yana

Media : Yusuf

we will have a few activities and competitions during the event so stay tuned for more information later.  But just for you to be aware, this is our current flow of items to be confirmed

Official Batch Jersey 👕

And to the next exciting announcement is that we will FINALLY (damn) have an official batch jersey! I hope you guys are excited for this. The design will be finalised and released in the next couple of days so stay tuned for it when I announce it! 

The design language of the shirt is 100% based on the identity of our batch; Zircon Sphinx and our logo. 

Sports Fiesta!

I have mixed feelings about this, firstly I am stressed thanks to the last minute nature of being informed of having this event. as stated in the poster we have sports fiesta! which is compulsory to All IMS batches. For a brief look at the unofficial schedule, this is our list of sports for the event. 


Therefore for this event I will be forming a committee just for it where there will be

If you observe, most of the sports are in within 3 days at the end of july, so memang ramai from our batch must be involved with the event. 

And for this sports fiesta, students wajib pakai baju batch.  thus the reason I am hastening the production of our batch Jersey (sorry guys kena keluarkan duit out of plan 😢) and maybe geng e-sports tak sempat tau (maaf geng)

Website is being updated once again

Therefore, this marks the end of this long notification, I am sorry if I buat some of you stress, frustrated or angry, I did not mean to do so but I hope that what had happen, will never happen again. thank you for reading through my announcement and I will update y'all with more info soon. 

Dah dah tak nak dah fikir pasal benda buruk, move on move on. Settle what you need to do and whatever you can, and don't repeat your past mistakes (if you do) we are all the same guys, one batch. let's be a slightly better versions of ourselves moving forward. Even I make mistakes and when you tell me, I will admit to it. so bye guys, any feedback, the button is below and if you want to direct with me about something, feel free to do so, thank you. 

Selamat Hari Raya y'alls